A ray of sunshine delivers exceptional results.  

A ray of sunshine delivers exceptional results

Forsaking a traditional approach to B2B marketing and tapping into the brave new world of B2C sensibilities paid dividends for OutSystems.

Given the recent shift to what was traditionally considered the preserve of B2C marketing – an appeal to emotional decision-making, putting the individual first, utilizing non-business-related channels – B2B marketers are now opening their eyes to this new way of tapping into their audience. 

One organization that was prepared to mix things up and see how a different approach might work was OutSystemsa leading enterprise software company that provides tools for companies to develop, deploy and manage omnichannel applications. 

After being live for three months, the campaign delivered results that were significantly higher than expected, exceeding forecasted LinkedIn CTR by 106% and delivering 700k campaign impressions, and over 250 leads.

There was also excellent ad engagement and exceptional on-page conversion rates.

So why were the results so impressive? 

One of the main reasons why the results were so spectacular was down to Just Global’s award-winning creative team. They came up with a concept designed to buck the trend of traditional B2B marketing which set OutSystems apart from its competitors. Working closely with the client, the combined aim was to develop a vibrant, nostalgic, and seasonal tone that would tap into a summer vibe and provide an antidote to the gloomy lockdown-related content the competition was producing. 

The team developed a campaign, aptly titled ‘Transform This Summer’, aimed at capturing a disengaged audience over a summer period who, despite the context of COVID-19, would be thinking of staycations – and in some cases trips abroad. 

The eye-catching campaign, with bespoke illustrations by the hand of Just Global’s associate creative director, Josh Scott, made innovative use of the OutSystems logo as a sunset on the horizonoffering the promise of a bright future for its customers.  

The illustrations took inspiration from 1930s’ British Railway posters which are strongly associated with that nostalgic, summer holiday feeling, calling out the viewer to enjoy the ride, and the destination. 

Everything was connected thematically to OutSystems’ four service areas: 

Modernization on the horizon

The road to automation

Drive innovation

Ride the transformation wave

The creative was repeated across platforms for a unified voice to the campaign, and channels were updated weekly. 

“This campaign makes me remember what I love about getting to do something really exciting and out of the constraints of day-to-day marketing and be creative again."

– Paul Scarrott, Marketing Director EMEA at OutSystems. 

Everyone at Just Global was thrilled that the ‘Transform This Summer’ campaign was recognized at the 2022 dotComm Awards and at the Creativepool Awards. 

This campaign shows how powerful bespoke creative can be in capturing the target audiences, and having the right content appear in front of them at the right time.

Thinking outside of the box, and working with an inspirational creative team, delivered a set of remarkable results that exceeded OutSystems’ expectations. It proves the point that B2B campaigns don’t need to consist of product images and dry text. And why should they? Inspiration comes in many guises, and one of the ways our creative team got into the summer vibe was by listening to this Spotify playlist they created while working on this campaign. 

So, the next time you’re planning a campaign, have a listen and be inspired. And, of course, contact us so we can help you come up with a solution that’s going to defy stereotypes, and deliver out-of-the-ordinary results.

If you like the look of what we’ve done, you’ll love our other work, which you can check out here. 
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