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Dick Reed Awards 2023 – Winners

Event Announcements 2023 Award Winners The Game Changing Solution (specific solution/product) As marketing technology continually evolves, these companies have disrupted the market with their innovative products and services. This award honors the solutions that have been made in the past year. Data Solution Foundry, “Intent Data” ABM Bombora, “Insights Tool” Media Google, “Performance Max” Analytics BlueOcean MarTech PathFactory Most Collaborative

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The Way We Work Together

In order to ensure our teams are as healthy and productive as possible, on top of our flex-time policy and remote workplace offering, we are piloting 2×4 Fridays: a 4-day workweek every other week through the end of the calendar year.

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Just Blog

Podcasting Is Bigger Than You Think

Podcasts began as an outgrowth of the Apple iPod in 2004, as a tool to bring original programming to the once popular MP3 device. Despite early enthusiasm, podcasts faded in popularity because it was cumbersome to access the shows. The rise in smartphones and Bluetooth-enabled cars have made it easy for listeners to access shows and greatly expanded the audience.

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Ad Viewability and the Future of Display Advertising

Online display ads have been evolving quite quickly, from the annoying pop ups, to a more palatable rectangular box on the ride hand side of the screen, to ads blending into your Facebook news feed. There have always been questions regarding what is the best way to judge the effectiveness of these ads.

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