Navigating the Future: Preparing for Google’s 3rd Party Cookie Deprecation Delay

Update: May 22, 2024

Navigating the Future: Preparing for Google's 3rd Party Cookie Deprecation Delay

In April, Google’s Chrome team announced yet another delay in the removal of third-party cookies, pushing the timeline to 2025. This decision comes from the ongoing challenges of balancing feedback from the industry, regulators, and developers. For many in the digital marketing world, this delay was expected and welcomed, providing more time to adapt and strategize. 

However, while the extension might seem like a break, it’s crucial not to relax too much. The end of third-party cookies is inevitable, and the best time to prepare for this shift is now. 

Why Preparation Can’t Wait

Brands and agencies have long relied on third-party cookies for tracking, targeting, and measuring digital ad campaigns. The loss of this technology has raised significant concerns and anxiety across the industry. Despite the delay, proactive preparation is essential to navigate the upcoming changes smoothly and effectively. 

Here are key steps for preparing your first-party data strategy in a cookie-free world: 

1. Unlock the Potential of First-Party Data

First-party data is a goldmine of insights about your most valuable audiences. It allows you to take control of your data, providing a clearer understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors. With the demand for personalization at an all-time high, leveraging this data is critical for creating meaningful customer experiences.

2. Leverage ABM Partnerships for First-Party Research

As consumer attitudes, intent, and behaviors continue to evolve rapidly, staying ahead of these changes requires robust first-party research. Understanding how consumers think, feel, and act in these unprecedented times is essential for refining your marketing strategies. 

At Just Global, we partner with leading ABM platforms such as Octane11, Bombora, 6sense, and Demandbase to provide you with the most up-to-date insights. These partnerships enable us to support you in understanding and leveraging consumer data effectively, ensuring your marketing strategies remain relevant and impactful. 

3. Keep Your Data Up-to-Date

The effectiveness of your marketing efforts hinges on the recency and freshness of your data. Keeping your data up-to-date ensures you reach consumers at the precise moment in their purchase cycle, maximizing your chances of conversion.

4. Evolve Your Segmentation Strategy

With nearly half of all marketers citing scalability as a major limitation, evolving your segmentation strategy is crucial. Consider using behavioral segmentation, predictive analytics, lifecycle stages, contextual segmentation, and intent-based segmentation. These approaches allow you to target users more effectively and deliver highly personalized messages, keeping you competitive in a cookie-free world.

5. Transition to New Metrics

As third-party cookies disappear, user and device IDs will become the primary measurement tools. Marketers and publishers need to learn how to transition to these new, more relevant metrics to accurately measure and optimize their campaigns. We are working closely with our representatives at the Trade Desk, who are educating us and keeping us updated on all the recent developments around their cookieless tracking solution, Unified 2.0. 

6. Reevaluate Budget Structures

The shift to a cookie-free world will inevitably affect budget structures. Teams must reevaluate their spending to ensure it aligns with the new data-driven landscape, investing in the most effective areas to achieve their goals. 

First-Party Data Enrichment: A Path to Deeper Insights

Enriching your first-party data with fresh, actionable insights leads to a deeper understanding of your audience. By knowing what your consumers value—whether it’s excitement, creativity, corporate responsibility, or their preferred social media platforms—you can create more personalized and impactful marketing campaigns. 

Once you’ve developed a solid first-party data strategy, partnering with experts to enrich your data can further enhance segmentation and personalization efforts. These enriched experiences, driven by rich, relevant, real-time data, lead to increased customer lifetime value and loyalty. 

Just Global: Your Partner in the Cookieless Future

At Just Global, we understand the complexities and challenges that come with the removal of third-party cookies. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate this transition smoothly. We offer comprehensive checklists and recommendations to support you in developing and implementing robust first-party data strategies, ensuring you are well-prepared for the future. 

Our expertise in data enrichment, audience segmentation, and personalized marketing will empower you to create meaningful connections with your consumers, driving long-term success in a cookie-free world. 


The delay in Google’s third-party cookie removal provides a valuable window of opportunity. However, the time to act is now. By preparing your first-party data strategy, evolving your segmentation, and partnering with experts, you can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the changing digital landscape. 

Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you prepare for the future and leverage the full potential of your data. Together, we’ll ensure your brand is ready for the cookieless world. 

Have more questions? Connect with Kat.

Kat Van Biene
Director, Ad Operations

Want to work with us? Connect with Blair.

Blair Naylor
SVP, Global Client Partner

Update: March 29, 2024

Crunch Time for Cookies: Mastering the Shift to a Privacy-First Advertising World

Last time we chatted, we delved into Google’s Privacy Sandbox hitting a bump on the road, courtesy of the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The gist? Google’s plan to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome needs a bit more baking. The CMA’s report flagged concerns over Google potentially cornering the market with its user data approach, possibly sidelining competitors and muddying the waters in ad tech fairness.  

So What’s the Current Status?

Craig Jenkins, director of the digital markets unit at the CMA, told a room full of ad-tech practitioners at an IAB Tech Lab event in New York today that the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority might extend the deadline on cookie deprecation if Google Chrome does not satisfy its concerns. The regulatory body is keen on preserving competitive fairness and consumer privacy.  

This announcement offers a glimmer of hope, contingent on discussions over the next four months and a formal review process slated to begin with a 60-day standstill period. This delay would give everyone more time to adjust to the new rules.  

Why Is the CMA Worried?

The CMA is keeping a close eye on Google’s Privacy Sandbox because they’re concerned Google might use this change to keep an unfair advantage over other companies and limit how much control people have over their own privacy.  

Industry Feedback and Testing Encouraged

Jenkins called for the industry to continue to test and provide feedback on the Privacy Sandbox. They’re looking for a broad range of feedback to make sure they understand all the potential impacts. Even though testing has just started for many, the CMA wants to see results soon to make the best decision. 

What's at Stake?

This change is a big topic in the world of online advertising. There’s a lot of worry about how it will affect smaller media companies and the entire industry. Everyone’s trying to figure out the best way to move forward without the old cookie-tracking method. 

As we wait to see what happens next, the focus is on working together to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved. The goal is to find a balance that keeps the internet open and fair while protecting user privacy. 

How Can We Stay Ahead?

Here’s a simplified, professional guide to staying ahead: 

1. Check Your Site’s Cookie Use

First things first, take a thorough look at how your website is using cookies right now by using tools like Google’s Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool. It’s important to spot any potential hiccups that might arise if/when cookies are out of the picture. This isn’t just about finding new ways to target your audience; it’s about making sure your site still works smoothly and remains easy for visitors to use, no matter the browser. 

2. Make the Most of Built-In Data Tools

As we say goodbye to cookie data, it’s time to dive into the built-in data tools provided by big ad platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and the Trade Desk. These tools can give you a deeper insight into how well your campaigns are doing by linking up the actions people take offline with your online efforts. This is key to targeting the right people more effectively, making smarter bids for ad space, and catching the attention of quality leads. In short, it’s about getting more bang for your buck. 

Google Ads Ensure your site uses the most recent version of the global site tag across all pages. This is crucial for tracking conversions and website analytics effectively. Transition to Google Analytics 4 for a more comprehensive view of your customer’s journey and enhance conversion tracking accuracy through enabling Enhanced Conversions. Integrate offline conversion tracking to bridge the gap between online campaigns and offline conversions, enhancing the understanding of campaign performance. 

Facebook: Incorporate their Conversions API to move tracking to your website’s server, offering a more reliable conversion tracking mechanism that doesn’t rely on cookies. Use it in tandem with the Facebook pixel to gauge performance differences and understand measurement impacts accurately. 

LinkedIn: Deploy the LinkedIn Insight Tag across your site to enable robust conversion tracking, opting for event-based JavaScript codes over image pixels for more precise data. Additionally, setting up the LinkedIn Conversion API alongside the Insight Tag can further refine your measurement capabilities through direct or partner integrations. 

The Trade Desk (TTD):  Engage with Unified ID 2.0, a cookieless tracking solution developed through collaboration with industry leaders. Integration requires a minimum of 5,000 emails from your CRM, typically via a partner like Liveramp, to leverage hashed and encrypted email addresses for tracking. Here at Just Global, we work with a great team of representatives from The Trade Desk who provide us constant guidance and training around the latest developments and testing opportunities in platform.  

3. Measure What Really Matters

As direct tracking gets trickier, finding out the real value of your marketing becomes more crucial. This is where techniques like lift tests and media mix modeling come in. Otherwise known as Incrementality Measurement. They help you see the bigger picture of how your ads are influencing your audience, beyond just clicks and views. 

Lift Testing: Test out different regions or groups to see how well your ads are actually working. 

Media Mix Modeling (MMM): This method crunches a lot of data over time to show you which parts of your marketing mix are truly paying off. 

4. Leveraging First-Party Data (Last But Certainly Not Least):

Boost Data Collection: Make your online spaces inviting for sign-ups and feedback. Engaging content and offers can encourage more shares. 

Be Open and Secure: Transparency about how you collect and use data reassures people, building trust and encouraging them to share their info. 

Use Smart Tools: A strong CRM system can help you sort, understand, and use your data to tailor marketing and customer experiences. 

Personalize: Use your insights to make every message, offer, and piece of content feel like it’s made just for the person reading it. 

Loyalty Programs: These can be a great way to gather data while giving back to your customers, encouraging them to keep engaging with your brand

Embrace New Tech: Keep an eye out for new tools and technologies that help you use your first-party data in privacy-friendly ways. 

Adjusting to a future without cookies doesn’t have to be daunting. By focusing on these four areas, you can ensure your marketing strategies are not only prepared for the changes ahead but are also set up for continued success. 

Update: February 9, 2024

Google’s Privacy Sandbox Hits a Roadblock: A Closer Look

Google’s ambitious plan to enhance user privacy on the internet has hit a significant snag. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) latest report has raised concerns that must be addressed before Google can move forward with phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome. Key issues include the potential for Google to unfairly benefit from user data while restricting competitors’ access, the risk of favoring its own ad tech services, and challenges in detecting fraudulent activity. As Google works to navigate these hurdles, the digital advertising landscape watches closely. 

This Week’s Updates: Unpacking the IAB’s Analysis of Google’s Privacy Sandbox

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has finally released an analysis of Google’s Privacy Sandbox to the public, revealing the bumps in the road to adopting this new privacy-focused approach. From keeping brands safe to counting clicks and making sure the business side of things lines up, there’s a lot to think about. Now, the IAB wants to hear from everyone in the industry, giving us all 45 days to share our thoughts until March 22, 2024. 

What The Big Deal?

Google is making a big change to how ads work on the internet, and it’s called the Privacy Sandbox. This change is about stopping the use of cookies that track what you do online, aiming to protect your privacy more. But, this new way of doing things is causing some headaches for the people who make ads and websites. Imagine the internet is a huge mall. Until now, shops (websites) could follow you around, noting what you like, to show you ads you might be interested in. Google’s new plan is like saying, “You can’t follow people anymore,” but still trying to give you clues about what shop might have what you’re looking for, without being too nosy. 

The Head Scratchers

The IAB Tech Lab’s close look at Google’s plan has uncovered several puzzles: 

  • Counting and Understanding Ads: Figuring out if ads are hitting the mark gets tougher because the old ways of tracking them are out.
  • Keeping Ads Safe: Ensuring ads don’t end up in the wrong place is more complicated under Google’s new rules.
  • Changing the Tools: The entire toolkit for online advertising needs an overhaul, which is no small feat.
  • Following the Rules: There’s concern that Google’s new approach might not fully account for the legal and business essentials.
Why It Matters

This change affects everyone who uses the internet. Websites and advertisers are scrambling to adapt to Google’s new rules, aiming to keep ads relevant without infringing on privacy. 

Your Thoughts Count

The people working behind the scenes are looking for input to smooth out these challenges. They’re calling on industry insiders to weigh in during a 45-day public comment period. 

The Bottom Line

We’re on the brink of a major shift in online advertising that promises more privacy. It’s a big step, and not everyone’s ready. But through open discussion and collaboration, there’s hope for making the internet a better space for all. 
Your voice is crucial as these changes unfold. Stay engaged, stay informed, and let’s navigate this new landscape together. 

Update: January 31, 2024

Bridging the Gap: The Privacy Sandbox Saga Continues

Let’s take a fun yet informative dive into the latest chapter of the digital advertising world’s biggest shake-up: the demise of third-party cookies and the rise of Google’s Privacy Sandbox. 

The Cookie Crumbles, and the Sandbox Emerges

So, we are bidding farewell to third-party cookies (supposedly by end of 2024), leaving a lot of head-scratching about how digital ads will be bought, sold, and measured. Google’s Privacy Sandbox aims to address some of these gaps. However, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Tech Lab has identified additional areas that need attention. 

A Meeting of Minds

After a big meeting at the IAB’s Annual Leadership Meeting, the brains at IAB Tech Lab geared up for a meeting with Google to discuss the Privacy Sandbox’s capabilities and limitations. This meeting was pivotal in understanding and shaping the future functionality of the Privacy Sandbox.  

The Gap Analysis Reveal

IAB Tech Lab plans to publicly release the gap analysis next week, which revealed that about 30 out of 40 marketing use cases aren’t currently supported by the Privacy Sandbox. This finding highlights significant areas where the Privacy Sandbox needs to evolve to meet industry needs. 

Biggest Gaps? Reporting!

A major gap identified is in the area of reporting. Publishers need data for those crucial revenue calculations, and right now, it’s unclear how they’ll get it quickly and effectively. Integrating this data with other channels? Also, a big question mark. 

Google’s Perspective on the Privacy Sandbox

Google’s been clear: the Privacy Sandbox isn’t a one-for-one cookie replacement. They’re not trying to recreate the old ways but rather, innovate something different. This means advertisers, publishers, and tech firms are trying to figure out just how much of the gap the Sandbox can fill. 

The Tech Dilemma: To Invest or Not to Invest?

The gradual rollout of the Privacy Sandbox features presents budgeting challenges for ad tech companies. With many budgets set in advance, companies need to be agile in adjusting their resource allocation as new information and features are released. 

The Power of Collaboration

Everyone agrees: collaboration is key. The IAB Tech Lab, companies in the industry, and Google need to join forces to identify the real dealbreakers and work together to make this new era of digital advertising a success. 

Concerns Over Control and Contracts

Under the Privacy Sandbox proposals, a lot of decision-making happens in the browser, which is new territory for many ad tech companies. This shift raises questions about control over contractual relationships in the digital ad supply chain. 

Looking to the Future with Optimism

Despite the challenges, there’s a sense of optimism. As Index Exchange CEO Andrew Casale puts it, the Privacy Sandbox is just in its Version 1. It’s the beginning of a new form of addressability, and with the right feedback and ideas, it can evolve into something even better. 


As the digital advertising industry adapts to these significant changes, the evolution of Google’s Privacy Sandbox will be closely watched. The industry’s feedback and ongoing collaboration will be crucial in shaping a more effective and efficient digital ad ecosystem. Stay tuned, folks – the adventure continues! 

January 17, 2024

The Evolving Landscape of Online Privacy: Google Chrome's Incognito Mode Update

In our ongoing effort to keep you informed in the ever-evolving world of digital privacy, we bring you the latest update in our series. As we continue to navigate the complexities of cookie deprecation and online privacy, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest developments. Today, we delve into the recent changes in Google Chrome’s Incognito mode and what it means for user privacy.

Google Chrome's Incognito Mode Update:

Google Chrome’s Incognito mode, known for its promise of private browsing, recently updated its disclaimer. The update clarifies that websites, including Google services, can still track user activity even when this mode is activated. Implemented in the Canary build for developers, the new wording more explicitly states that Incognito browsing only prevents others using the same device from seeing the user’s activity but doesn’t stop data collection by websites visited.

Background of the Update:

This wording adjustment follows a class-action lawsuit settled in December 2023, where Google was accused of misleading users about the privacy of Incognito mode. The lawsuit highlighted a significant gap between user expectations of privacy and the actual functionality of the mode.

The Reality of Online Anonymity:

Despite the update, it’s important to note that true online anonymity remains elusive. Incognito mode offers limited privacy benefits, primarily keeping browsing history private from other users of the same device. However, it doesn’t prevent external tracking by websites using services like Google Analytics or Google Ad Manager. This limitation was a key point in the lawsuit and subsequent judicial decisions.


Let’s unpack what the Chrome Incognito update means for our clients. It’s critical to make sure privacy policies are crystal clear, up-to-date, and transparent about how data is collected and used. This step is key in maintaining trust with your customers and staying on the right side of the law – think GDPR and CCPA compliance. And let’s not forget about promoting transparency and trust. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about building a strong relationship with your audience. When your users know and feel good about how their data is handled, it goes a long way in boosting your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. Now, turning to our role as your advertising agency. Digital privacy? Yeah, it’s a moving target, but we’re on it. We’re committed to staying ahead in this dynamic digital privacy landscape. We’re constantly updating our strategies to ensure they are not just compliant, but also innovative and effective. Rest assured, as the digital world evolves, we’re here to guide your campaigns with a focus on smart, effective, and privacy-conscious marketing. Together, let’s navigate these changes with confidence and integrity.


The deprecation of third-party cookies reflects a significant shift towards enhancing user privacy on the internet. …and Google started this phase yesterday with 1% of Chrome users globally.

Why is this happening in the first place?

This move, led by major tech companies like Google, aims to phase out third-party cookies, which have traditionally been used for tracking users across websites to gather data for targeted advertising. The transition is motivated by increasing privacy concerns and regulatory pressures, compelling the industry to seek alternative methods that balance effective marketing with privacy compliance.

How do we pivot to the new norm?

The new norm requires a strategic shift towards more privacy-respecting approaches in digital advertising. This involves adopting new technologies that align with consumer privacy norms, staying informed about industry developments, and integrating diverse data sources for a comprehensive view of marketing performance. The emphasis is on balancing effective marketing with privacy compliance, ensuring a sustainable and responsible digital advertising future.

What are some implications of this cookie-less world?

While privacy and security are the obvious implication, targeting and measurement will be a significant challenge.

  • Privacy and Security Focus: The global shift towards enhanced user privacy and security has led to the deprecation of third-party cookies. This reflects a growing awareness and concern over data protection among internet users and the need for legal frameworks to ensure privacy.
  • Challenges for Marketers in the Digital Landscape: Marketers face significant challenges in targeting users and measuring campaign success without third-party cookies, which have been instrumental in collecting vital marketing data.
  • Data Collection Shift: The reliance on pixels for event information like leads and page views is becoming less viable, necessitating new strategies for data collection and analysis.
How can we begin to adapt to this new norm?

There are areas we can test to feel more comfortable with the potential inevitable 100% deprecation of cookies. Larger players like Facebook, Linkedin, and Google have created workaround solutions to help combat the loss of cookies, and Google has created a Privacy Sandbox to enable the cookieless solution exploration. We have already begun testing various solutions to confidently navigate the potential 100% deprecation of cookies, ensuring a smooth transition for our strategies.

We suggest gradually experimenting with the following solutions, provided they align with your internal platforms:

  1. Explore Alternative Tracking Technologies:
    • Leveraging Trade Desk’s UID 2.0 for Enhanced Tracking:Our partnership with the Trade Desk and the use of their UID 2.0 tracking solution enhances our digital marketing strategies by providing a more accurate, privacy-compliant way to identify and track user interactions across the web. This technology replaces traditional cookies with a unified ID system, offering better insights into customer behavior while respecting user privacy and adhering to evolving data protection regulations.
    • For the actual testing process, leverage Google’s Privacy Sandbox to enable the identification of private alternatives.
    • Consider utilizing solutions like Facebook Conversions API, LinkedIn Conversions API, Google Enhanced Conversions, and other APIs that will soon become available.
    • If Google Analytics 4 is not currently leveraged, consider testing this solution based on Google’s laser focus on testing and overall confidence in integration opportunities.
  2. Focus on First-Party Data and Contextual Advertising: Shift towards collecting first-party data directly from customers and enhance the use of contextual advertising that doesn’t rely on personal user data.
    • Consider creating accounts, subscribe to newsletters, or provide feedback.
What Now?

At Just Global, we are at the forefront of navigating the evolving digital landscape, working closely with our clients to tailor unique solutions. We’re setting industry benchmarks by organizing dedicated sessions with our clients in the coming months, focusing on proactive measures and emerging opportunities that navigate the cookie-less landscape.

We are committed to maintaining optimal privacy, performance, and targeting, adapting to evolving consumer privacy norms, and staying at the cutting edge of industry developments. Our strategy involves integrating various data sources, ensuring our clients and the wider industry benefit from comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategies.

Join us as we trailblaze in this rapidly changing digital world.

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