Airport Advertising – A Return to Traditional Branding?

Our recent global brand campaigns for Juniper and EMC have seen us return to a once forgotten media vehicle for most tech marketers  – that of the airport out of home media buy.

Why is the media taking off again (excuse the pun) especially when business travel is being targeted by modern collaborate communications platforms? Well simply put it’s still an incredibly effective environment for reaching senior business decision makers who typically also fall into the frequent flyer category of individuals.

With avarage airport processing at 60 minutes and lots of lingering passages of time, the airport offers a very captured media experience. Lines around security, long corridors with excellent sight lines, gate waiting areas, food courts with captive audiences, business lounges and a range of exceptional advertising formats make airports a very unique space to be seen in.

Adding into the mix a variety of media touch points (for Juniper we have inflight TV, security bin sponsorships, meal tray ads, digital displays and large lightbox ads all mixed together) and the ability to now add experiential and intereactive too, it’s becoming a much richer enviroment for brand marketers bored with relying on just print and the web.

Airport media is also about making a statement. Only the biggest brands typically use it – certainly with the major ad formats. Being seen here is a statement of intent. Global company C suite executives understand that. Any idiot can buy banner ads or search terms…only serious companies invest in global airport campaigns.

So if your brand is needing a serious confidence push (employees at both clients embraced their campaign, taking pictures next to ads, sending tweats and posts with news, mentioning it in sales meetings, etc) then it might just be time to reflect on airports as an option….

Dick Reed
Just Media, Inc.

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