Let’s Take This Offline

How Offline Conversion Tracking is Changing the B2B Marketers Game

photo of aaron davis

By Aaron Davis

Supervisor, Search

Regardless what the marketing efforts are or how great the volume of leads may be, if the leads you are driving to the client are not quality leads, they will not result in the eventual sales the client is looking for.

One of the biggest challenges we consistently see across B2B marketers is how to drive quality leads to their clients. Ultimately, the client’s main goal is to drive sales.

graph showing 58% of marketers are looking to improve the quality of leads
Are you a marketer who can relate to these priorities?

Regardless what the marketing efforts are or how great the volume of leads may be, if the leads you are driving to the client are not quality leads, they will not result in the eventual sales the client is looking for.

When marketers are only tracking online lead submissions, we may miss out on important information about the quality and value of the leads we’re driving.   

So how do we solve the problem of not knowing what happens after that form fill is submitted? What happened to that lead? Did it result in a sale, or an interested client who is researching for information? Was it someone who has no interest in buying?  

Offline Conversion Tracking (OCT) allows you to measure which ad clicks are resulting offline sales or other important customer actions. This will help you to optimize for the outcomes that matter most to your business.    

Benefits of Offline Conversion Tracking:

The initial implementation process does involve some account set up. New conversion actions will be created and slight site modifications will be necessary, as well as minor tweaks to the CRM. Finally, regular uploads to Google Ads will connect the Google Click ID (GCLID) to the client internal CRM system. This GCLID tracks the users click, as they browse on your website, submit a form fills or any other site actions you wish to track within the CRM.  

How Offline Conversation Tracking Works:

graph showing step 1: user clicks on ad, step 2: user browses site, step 3: user submits web form, step 4: lead stored in GCLID in your CRM, step 4: when lead status changes you import to google ads an offline conversion

At JUST, we are actively onboarding some of our clients to Offline Conversion Tracking.

If you’re one of the many marketers looking to optimize SEM campaigns towards the most impactful quality leads, then contact JUST to learn more about how we can drive more quality leads for your business and by tracking your offline conversions. 

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