A series on development


Presented by Lady Tech Marketer & JUST

Leading Ladies of JUST

The leading ladies of JUST discuss the evolution of the agency’s decision to transition from a specialty media shop to a fully integrated model, the process behind the scenes, and the breakdown of why the integrated model really works.

On Growth

Someone could level up in experience in four months and for some people takes years – and that’s okay.

You don’t want to be the same as the person next to you. You want to be yourself and be good at what you do.

Adriana Chavez

Manager, Media

On Building a Personal Brand

Focus on making a contribution, not a career. 

I do think of it as a master narrative, but I also approach each opportunity as in: Where am I making a contribution? How am I actually adding value? When you look at each opportunity like that, the career falls in line. 

Meagan Phillips

Director, marketing communications

On Relationships

A former CEO asked me: Your team’s so tight, what’s your secret? My response was: 

I care. 

I would not be where I am today if I had not had team members who I cared for and cared about me. 

Alison Watson

VP, Group Director

On Play

I believe play inspires productivity and it gives you that reset foundation where creativity flows more easily. 

Give yourself permission to relax and let your mind do what it naturally needs to do.

Desiree Jue Sinyork

Digital art director

On Boosting Your Smarts

Don’t be afraid to say what you don’t know. 

A lot of times women believe they will be looked upon differently, or maybe as not as smart or effective if they reveal what they don’t know something. The reality is technology and marketing are fields that are changing constantly. No one knows everything. No one’s an expert in every area.

Jennifer LoMomaco

Director, Analytics and Insights

About Lady Tech Marketer

Lady Tech Marketer is a podcast and community for women in technology to connect, empower and inspire one another as they navigate their careers.

Hosts Emily Hill and Liana Wong talk to tech marketers about their careers, marketing trends, life, and being a lady in tech. With new episodes every week, this podcast is on our weekly WFH playlist 🎧

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