JUST Cares About Seniors

“Together, we can deliver.”

JUST is proud to support the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund and their mission to address senior isolation and hunger. According to a recent survey, 9 out of every 10 programs have reported that meal requests have doubled since March 1.  

Starting today, we are launching the “JUST Cares About Seniors” donation drive to ensure local community programs will receive the resources needed to keep seniors healthy mentally and physically. Meals on Wheels cares for our most-high risk seniors delivering nutritious meals and checking in on their overall well-being.  

“While we may be physically distanced, we must show social solidarity,” states Brandon Friesen. “The JUST family believes in protecting our local community’s independence and dignity. Please join us in supporting Meals on Wheels to meet the growing demands.”  

JUST will be matching 100% of donations collected once we reach $1,500 in crowd-sourced donations. Help us support our community seniors!  


Update: We did it! We’ve surpassed our goal and have raised a total of $1,618 meaning JUST will be matching those contributions bringing us to a grand total of $3,118

The JUST sponsored drive is over but you can still contribute directly to Meals on Wheels by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. 

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