You heard it recently — a lot happens in an Internet minute. In fact, according to Cisco, by the end of 2016 global IP traffic will surpass one zettabyte (!) per year. With all these bits and bytes flying around, how do we stay afloat in a vast sea of information? After all, interpreting data is at the heart of every successful advertising campaign.

Data visualization is the art of presenting copious amounts of information in an easily digestible graphic format. The interconnected nature of business data combined with a variety of powerful tools allows data scientists, analysts, and visual communication specialists to harness the power of dashboards to present timely insights.

Here are the top five reasons to get started on a business dashboard right away:

1. Efficiently Ingest Large Amounts of Data
-Thousands of data points can be displayed in a single graph.
-Centralized dashboards can aggregate data from multiple sources.
-Dashboards can eliminate countless hours of manual reporting.

2. Identify Trends
-Visually connecting data points establishes trends that can be more quickly identified and acted upon.
-Unique graph types can show correlation between data sets that may not otherwise be recognized.

3. Real-time Goal and Performance Monitoring
-Data can be interpreted in real time allowing for proactive adjustments.
-Employee morale and accountability are improved by instant feedback.

4. Accuracy
-Direct database connections remove the human element from ongoing reporting.
-Real-time monitoring and trend analysis help provide for more informed business decisions vs. “gut feelings”.

5. Metrics-minded Office Culture
-Dashboards can become the new “water cooler,” fostering conversations that will propel business forward.
-Maintain focus on business goals.
-Provide transparency that encourages ownership by all employees.

Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” In today’s fast-moving business world, speed and accuracy of measurement is what will set successful companies apart, and dashboards will help you get there.

James Harper
Just Media, Inc.

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