There are some days when just about everything one tries to do seems to turn into ever increasing circles of misery, when even the best laid plans come crashing down and when even the most innocent action has disastrous results…it can only mean one thing..the Fuck Up Fairy has come to visit.

In a business sense, we at the agency do everything we can to keep this darling lady away. She rarely comes a’visiting but when she does she seems to persistently hover around one desk. The poor media person concerned can do no right. Campaigns get delayed, stuff gets missed, publishers drop the ball, audience does not respond, numbers don’t add up. It’s hell.

Typically Ms FUF will also concentrate all her evil deeds on just one campaign. Multiplying the effect to such a degree that as everything spins out of control one demands what more could possibly go wrong. To exasperate to full the poor soul who’s being tormented, all around them is a sea of tranquility. Campaigns perform, clients ooze love, and CEO’s like me purr with satisfaction. However when your in the storm it’s a blaze of hate and recrimination.

I think about her today not because she’s actually come calling (well perhaps my accounts department might disagree) but more because someone asked me exactly what she looked like. “Tinkerbell with horns” I replied.

So next time you have a situation where everything turns to goo, remember it’s just the Fuck Up Fairy come to play and soon she will go away !!!

Below is an image I found that looks a lot like her…whoever produced it top marks 🙂

Dick Reed
Just Media, Inc.

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