Category: Uncategorized

We know a lot about marketing. Here’s your chance to see how our brains work.


The Death of SkyMall

In Memoriam: An Ode to SkyMall I may be alone on this one, but I actually have fond memories of you, SkyMall. Back before I


The Death of the Cookie: What Facebook Did that Microsoft Couldn’t

I was just sent this re/code article from a client on the Facebook relaunch of the Atlas ad serving platform. Naturally I became more curious and wanted to find out what this really means. After doing some more digging on the subject, they seem to have gotten a bit ahead of themselves…


Ad Viewability and the Future of Display Advertising

Online display ads have been evolving quite quickly, from the annoying pop ups, to a more palatable rectangular box on the ride hand side of the screen, to ads blending into your Facebook news feed. There have always been questions regarding what is the best way to judge the effectiveness of these ads.