Category: Stefanie Feilinger

We know a lot about marketing. Here’s your chance to see how our brains work.

Stefanie Feilinger

So, you’re a CMO… Now What?

While it’s nothing new that CMOs today face a wider array of challenges than ever before, there are some concerns that stand out more than

Stefanie Feilinger

Super Bowl Advertisers turning to Digital Media

Are you ready for some football!? Super Bowl XLVIII is rapidly approaching – with advertising to prove it! As we are well in our way into 2014, the annual NFL Super Bowl championship is one of the most exciting days of television each year – not only for the fans of the competing teams, but all football fans rooting…

Stefanie Feilinger

The Biggest Deal in the Adland Cosmos

To evolve and stay relevant, big agencies have needed to add new disciplines to their shops by either building those skills organically or through strategic