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Helping Imperva Unify Media and Creative After a Rebrand


As the COVID-19 pandemic was peaking, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) – a global leader in IT services, consulting and business solutions – was seeking to connect with their audiences most affected. Millions of people and businesses around the world were relying on IT infrastructure to aide in the rapid digital transformation due to stay-at-home public health regulations. 

We had run a very successful LinkedIn campaign for Tata Consultancy Services that targeted CFOs. TCS was keen to extend this success to other audiences, via social platforms. However, the COVID-19 pandemic had reached its peak and businesses were flooding digital channels to reach out to prospects. For this new campaign to be successful, we would have to work much harder to capture attention, delivering a campaign with breakthrough creativity.


TCS tasked us with supporting their brand awareness and lead generation across 1,200+ specific accounts. The target was 210 net new leads spread across three programs – Cybersecurity, Supply Chain Management and Optimization and Future of Work. To achieve this, we needed a creative proposition that resonated with target accounts across Europe – despite huge competition for the audience’s attention. The aim was to operate the campaigns as ‘always-on’ activity, acquiring net new leads TCS sales could nurture moving forward. A wide range of digital media was therefore needed to raise awareness for the propositions.


We used LinkedIn lead gen forms and third-party content syndication to form the structure that formed the skeleton of a creative-driven approach. The proposition: businesspeople are still people. They bring their humanity to work and – just as people enjoy looking at animal pictures in their free time – why shouldn’t business decision makers enjoy the same pleasures. 

The campaign used striking images; but the challenge for our content team was to find clear parallels between behaviors in the animal kingdom and the behaviors that TCS address through their technology. The approach identified ‘superpowers’ for a particular species that could be directly linked to a particular TCS solution. For example, whales communicating over great distances is a metaphor for remote working. 

This approach worked for a number of reasons. In a sea of very bland imagery, these photographs immediately catch the eye. The ads are clever and unusual – after all, it’s not every day that blue whales are offered as a metaphor for remote working. They also acknowledge the audience’s intelligence: rather than ‘spoon feed’ them with information, they are encouraged to ‘join the dots’ for themselves – and there’s pleasure to be taken from doing so. 

Finally, it’s such a confident approach: one image, three lines of copy – it’s not trying to ‘bully’ the reader into clicking on a link.


We quickly surpassed TCS’s target by 50% and generated brand awareness across all 1,200+ target accounts.


Summit Awards

  • Winner: Emerging Media, Video B2B – Innovator

The Drum Advertising Awards

  • Winner: B2B
  • Highly Commended: Most Effective Use of Creativity

ANA B2 Awards

  • Silver : Account Based Marketing

Hermes Awards

  • Gold : Interactive Media |  Social Media | LinkedIn